1. What do I need to do to compete in my first NPC Worldwide federation competition in Poland – NPC Debuts?
First of all, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”:
and competition schedule available on our website in the “Schedule and Venue” tab:
To compete in the chosen competition, you must register for it using the registration form. To access the registration form for the competition you want to participate in, you should select the appropriate button on the home page. After completing the registration form, send it by clicking the SEND/SUBMIT button on the last page of the form.
After submitting the registration form, you will receive confirmation of your registration at the contact email address provided in the registration form.
If you do not receive confirmation of your registration within 30 minutes of submitting the registration form, please contact the competition office by sending a message to [email protected] and WhatsApp: +48 602 650 291.
The rest of the formalities will be handled at the competition office on the day of athletes check-in (verification), which takes place one day before the competition on Friday.
2. Is on-line registration for the competition mandatory?
Yes. On-line registration via the registration form is mandatory for all athletes.
3. Until when is registration for the competition possible?
Registration for the selected competition is available from February 1st of the current year until 3 days before the competition date. Typically, we conduct it until Wednesday before the competition at 6:00 PM (18:00).
4. What should I do if I fill out the registration form incorrectly?
If you provided incorrect information in the registration form (contact email, division, main categories, classes, weight, height, age), did not reserve some additional service, etc., you can fill out the registration form again correctly, and send it. After receiving your new registration form, we will delete the previous (incorrect) form from our system. If you realize that you made a mistake too late, you will be able to correct it on the athletes check-in on Friday before the competition at the competition office staff.
5. I only provided one main category (True Novice) in the registration form in which I planned to compete. However, I learned from my coach that I cannot compete in it because I do not meet its criteria specified in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”. Therefore, I want to change it to another main category (Juniors) and add two more main categories (Novice and Open). Is it possible, and how do I do it?
Yes, it is possible. The easiest way is to inform the person at the competition office who checks your documents and handles all formalities related to the competition on the athletes check-in in Friday. Then, changing categories and adding two more will be possible. During athletes check-in, you can also pay the entry fee in cash for participation in the remaining main categories and classes. During athletes check-in, you can also reserve and pay for other additional services such as spray tanning service, multimedia package (photos and videos from the stage in high quality), tickets (passes) for the backstage and the audience for accompanying persons and coach, makeup and hairdressing.
6. How much does it cost to participate in the competition (competition entry fee)?
The competition entry fee for selected divisions (physique category), main categories and prices for additional services such as spray tanning service, stage photos and videos, NPC Worldwide Membership License, backstage and audience tickets (backstage passes) for accompanying persons and coach are given in the registration form on its subsequent pages.
7. Is it possible to withdraw from the competition after online registration?
Yes. According to the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”, a competitor has the right to withdraw from the competition for which they have registered until the athletes check-in (verification). You should inform the competition office as soon as possible by sending an email to [email protected] and a text message to WhatsApp/phone: +48 602 650 291.
If the competitor has already made an online payment for the competition entry fee and additional services, the entire amount will be transferred to the NPC competition selected by the competitor, taking place in Poland within the next 12 months. In accordance with the registration regulations and competition rules, we cannot refund the competition entry fee (regardless of the reason for the athlete’s withdrawal from the competition), but we can only transfer it to the next competition in Poland.
8. What is an NPC Worldwide Membership License and do I need to have it to compete in the NPC competitions in Poland and abroad?
Every competitor participating in any NPC Worldwide federation competitions in Poland and abroad is required to have a current NPC Worldwide Membership License for the given calendar year. The license fee is paid directly to the NPC Worldwide federation’s account. Such a license can be paid during on-line registration (it will be received on the athletes’ check-in on Friday) or make, paid for, and downloaded to a smartphone through the NPC Worldwide federation’s website. Additional information on obtaining the NPC Worldwide Membership License independently can be found on our website under the “NPC Worldwide Membership” tab:
9. What is the athletes check-in process (verification), when does it take place, and is it mandatory? What do I need to bring with me for athletes check-in?
During the athletes check-in, the competition office staff checks the athlete’s data, ID or passport and measures height and/or weight if required for the chosen height or weight class. During the athletes check-in, identification wristbands are issued for the athlete and accompanying persons, a athletes number/pin (one for all classes, categories, divisions, contest in which the athlete competes this weekend), participation certificates are issued, and competition entry fee are collected (if the athlete chose during online registration an option “to pay in cash” during check-in). We also hand out starting packages and clothing from the competition sponsor to the athletes.
Athlete check-in is mandatory and takes place one day before the competition on Friday.
The athletes check-in schedule for each division (physique category) is provided in the “Schedule and Venue” tab:
For athletes check-in, you need to bring: an ID document, registration confirmation (on a smartphone or in print), confirmation of competition entry fee paid on a smartphone (if payment was made by bank transfer), an NPC Worldwide Membership License for the current year in electronic form (if the athlete has obtained, paid for, and downloaded it in electronic form from the NPC Worldwide federation’s official website onto a smartphone).
If the athlete competes in divisions (physique categories) where a free posing routine is performed (Men’s Bodybuilding, Men’s Classic Physique, Women’s Fitness, Women’s Physique, Women’s Bodybuilding), they should bring music for their posing routine to the athletes check-in (maximum duration of the track is 60 seconds, but in Women’s Fitness division is 120 seconds). The music must be recorded on a USB drive (the only accepted audio medium) in MP3 format and as the only file on the audio medium. If the athlete forgets to bring the USB drive with the music or the music cannot be played for technical reasons, the athlete will perform their posing routine to music provided by the competition organizer (DJ). We do not accept music tracks sent by email or brought on other media or in other formats.
10. Can I pay for registration, spray tanning service, and backstage pass for my coach in cash during the athletes check-in?
Yes. You can pay for competition entry fee and additional services in cash during the athletes check-in. When filling out the registration form for the selected competition, the athlete should choose one of the three available payment options: (1) bank transfer to the account specified in the registration form, (2) PayPal payment, or (3) cash payment during athletes check-in.
The athlete indicates their choice on the last page of the registration form. If the athlete makes additional payments during the check-in, they will be accepted only in cash in PLN or Euro or USD.
11. How can I pay for NPC competition entry fee?
Each athlete can choose one of the three available payment options: (1) bank transfer, (2) PayPal payment, or (3) cash payment during the athletes check-in.
The athlete indicates their choice on the last page of the registration form. If the athlete makes additional payments during the check-in, they will be accepted only in cash in PLN or Euro or USD.
12. Do I need medical examinations?
No. Each athlete competes at their own risk (as declared in the registration form) and therefore we do not require any documents or medical examinations informing about the athlete’s health condition.
We recommend that each athlete checks their health condition with a specialist doctor a few days or weeks before the competition.
13. If I am 16 years old, can I participate in NPC competitions? If so, in which categories?
According to the current regulations of the NPC Worldwide federation, the competitor must be at least 18 years old on the day for the competition. Athletes who are over 18 years old and who are or will be 20 years old this year can take part in the Teenager category. Athletes aged 18 (completed) th 23 (the athlete is or will be 23 this year) can participate in the Junior category. During check-in, the ID is checked and the athletes’s age is verified.
14. Can an athlete be disqualified from participating in NPC competitions?
In theory, this is possible, but in practice, we have not had such a situation in our competitions.
An athlete may be disqualified from participating in competitions if he/she does not meet the conditions (formalities related to registration for competitions) described in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”, has not undergone obligatory athletes check-in until the official start of the competition, is late for the start in their category, is unprepared for the start (e.g., does not have the appropriate competition attire in accordance with the regulations), is sick or indisposed and this is visible, behaves “unsportingly” before going on stage or during the competition. The decision to disqualify the athlete from participating can be made by the Competition Organizer along with the Head Judge.
15. Is spray tanning service available at NPC competitions or do I have to apply the tan myself?
Spray tanning service is available at all of our competitions backstage from morning until the end of the event. It is provided by our official partner, Sklep Zawodnika. The service is performed using products from ProTan or Jan Tana (depending on your preference). The contact number to tanning service: WhatsApp +48 604 414 123.
During the on-line registration for the chosen competition, each athlete can book the spray tanning service (by selecting the option on one of the registration form’s subpages). On the check-in on Friday before the competition, the tanning service company representative arranges the individual time and other details regarding the tanning process, taking into account the schedule of the competition. The tanning service fee is specified in the registration form, and it can be paid online or in cash during the athletes check-in. You can also book the service directly during athletes check-in on Friday.
16. Is makeup and hair styling service available at NPC competitions in Poland?
Yes. Makeup and hair styling service is available at all of our competitions. The service is provided by our official partner, Stage Look, on the main backstage.
Contact and reservation:
Stage Look – Anna Lukas
Phone/WhatsApp: +48 504 816 922
Instagram: @annalukas.stagelook and @anialookasova
We recommend booking these services a few days before the competition. On athletes check-in on Friday, the Stage Look representative is present, where you can confirm all the details regarding the scope of services, pay for them, and adjust the time of their execution to the competition schedule or spray tanning service schedule.
Female athletes using their own makeup and/or hair styling service are required to have it done outside of the competition venue and backstage.
17. What are the differences between the main categories in NPC Debut: True Novice, Beginners and Novice?
The rules and criteria for participating in all main categories taking place at NPC competitions in Poland (including categories for debutants) are given in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations” and on the first page of the registration form.
18. Can I compete in multiple divisions (physique categories) and multiple main categories at the same time (crossovers)?
Yes. Each athlete has the right to compete in multiple divisions – crossovers (such as Bodybuilding and Classic Physique and Men’s Physique etc.) and multiple main categories (such as True Novice, Beginners, Novice, Juniors or Masters, Open) at the same day (competition), provided that they meet the requirements and criteria specified in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”:
19. If I competed in other federation’s contests (Debut and Polish Cup) a few years ago, can I compete in NPC Debut (True Novice, Beginners, Novice) ?
Yes. If you competed in other federation’s contests you can compete in NPC Debut in the main categories of True Novice, Beginners and Novice. Of course, you can also compete on the same day in other main categories: Juniors or Masters, as well as Open (Seniors).
20. What time should I arrive at the contest venue so I won’t be late for the division (physique category) and main categories I’m competing in?
We recommend that athletes arrive at the backstage of the contest at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the division (physique category) in which the athlete is participating. The exact and up-to-date schedule of the contest is available on our website no later than 30 days before the contest date under the “Schedule and Venue” tab:
21. Can my coach and my two friends accompany me at the contest on backstage?
Yes. Each athlete can reserve online tickets (passes) for several accompanying persons at the backstage (including the possibility of watching the athlete on stage – seating in the audience) during on-line registration. During the athletes check-in on Friday or on the day of the contest on Saturday or Sunday, it will also be possible to purchase additional backstage tickets (backstage passes). When booking backstage passes or audience tickets online or purchasing them on the athletes check-in day on Friday, their price is lower by 25€ to 50€ compared to the price on the day of the contest.
22. As a competitor, do I have to pay for my seven-year-old child’s admission to the backstage and the audience?
Children (of competitors and coaches) up to 12 years of age (a document confirming the age, such as a school ID, is required for children older than 7 years) have free admission to the main backstage and the audience in the auditorium. The athlete should inform the contest office staff on Friday during the athletes check-in that he/she plans to come with a child up to 12 years old to receive the appropriate ticket (wristband).
23. Can I bring a small dog to the contest backstage and audience?
Unfortunately, it is not possible. No animals are allowed in the sports facilities (venue) where we organize our contests. The facility regulations prohibit it.
24. What conditions do I need to meet to be able to participate in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions?
Every athlete permanently residing in Poland (Polish citizen or resident) who wants to participate in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland or abroad should first compete in NPC Regional Qualifier competitions in Poland in the Open category. Participation in the Open category of the NPC Regional Qualifier competitions gives the athlete a so-called “Official Regional Qualification Certificate” (an internal digital certificate in the global electronic system of athlete classification and registration valid for the given calendar year), which allows for registration and the right to compete in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions worldwide in the current calendar year.
Information on this topic can be found in the general regulations of the NPC Worldwide federation, which you will find on our website in the tab called “Regional Certificate & NPC Rules”:
The same requirement applies to 37 other countries with a regional qualification requirement in their country of residence or nationality.
Athletes who are residents or nationals of countries that do not require a Regional Qualification Certificate are not required to compete in an NPC Regional Qualifier in any country in the world (only may if they wish) prior to competing in an NPC PRO Qualifier competition.
25. Can athletes from other countries (citizens of other countries or Poles permanently residing abroad) participate in NPC competitions organized in Poland?
Yes. Athletes from all over the world (foreigners and Poles permanently residing abroad) can compete in all NPC competitions held in Poland. This applies to both Regional Qualifier and Pro Qualifier competitions.
All they need to do is register on-line on our website no later than 3 days before the competition date (until Wednesday until 6 PM). The “NPC Poland Contest Regulations” describe in detail the requirements that a non-permanently residing athlete (not representing Poland) must meet to be eligible to compete.
26. How do NPC Regional Qualifier competitions differ from NPC Pro Qualifier competitions?
In NPC Regional Qualifier competitions, all athletes from Poland and abroad who hold an NPC Worldwide Membership License for the current year can participate.
In the NPC Regional Qualifier competitions in Poland, usually 80-90% of athletes are from Poland and around 20-10% are from abroad.
Up to 9 divisions (physique categories) are taking place in these competitions (6 divisions for women and 3 divisions for men). In each of these divisions, 6 main categories can be organized: True Novice Regional, Beginners Regional, Novice Regional, Juniors Regional, Masters Regional, and Open Regional; 70 height/weight/age classes; and 14 Overall categories).
All athletes who reside permanently in Poland, hold an NPC Worldwide Membership License, and represent Poland (citizens and residents), and who participate in these competitions and compete in the main Open category (Seniors category), automatically receive a so-called Regional Qualification Certificate, which gives them the right to compete in the NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland and abroad until the end of the current calendar year.
In the Pro Qualifier competitions can participate all athletes from Poland and abroad who hold an NPC Worldwide Membership License for the current year and have competed in this year’s NPC Regional Qualifier competitions in the Open category in the country they represent (as citizens or residents or have obtained an NPC Worldwide Membership License for that country).
In the NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland, usually around 35% of athletes are from Poland and around 65% are from abroad.
Six main categories are organized in these competitions: True Novice PQ, Beginners PQ, Novice PQ, Juniors PQ, Masters PQ, and Open PQ; 70 height/weight/age classes; and 14 Overall categories in 9 divisions (physique categories).
The winners of the Overall category in the main Open PQ category in each of the 9 divisions (e.g. Overall Bikini Open PQ Winner, Overall Men’s Physique Open PQ Winner, etc.) receive IFBB PRO cards qualifying them to the IFBB Professional League.
27. What are the mandatory poses in each division (physique category) are taking place in NPC Worldwide competitions?
The mandatory poses for each division (physique category) are listed on the NPC Worldwide website at:
28. What are the weight limits for height in the Men’s Classic Physique division?
The current weight limits for height required for athletes in the Men’s Classic Physique division are listed in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations” on our website.
29. What is the division into height, weight, and age classes in individual Divisions (physique categories) ?
The planned division of competitors in a given Division (physique category) is described in detail in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”
and on the first page of the registration form for the chosen competition.
Depending on the number of registered and finally verified competitors in the given height/weight/age classes and main categories, the number of ultimately are taking place classes may be increased or decreased.
If there are fewer than 3 competitors in a given height/weight/age class, it may be combined with a lower or higher class if it is possible, justified, in accordance with the competition regulations and the federation’s rules, and if such a decision is made by the Head of the Competition Office.
At NPC competitions in Poland, we typically organize about 70-80 height/weight/age classes in one day of competition. Additionally, if several height or weight classes are organize in a given division (physique category) and in a given main category, then an Overall category is organize, in which the absolute winner of the given main category in the given division (physique category) is selected. We usually organize 14 Overall categories in one day of competition.
30. What exactly do the names: Division, Main Category, Class, Open, Overall mean and how do they differ?
Precise definitions of the names used in descriptions, regulations, and during NPC Worldwide competitions are available on our website in the “NPC Poland Contest Regulations”.
31. In what language are commands directed at competitors given on stage?
Since all of our competitions are open to athletes from all over the world, and our judges come from abroad (four scoring judges are from different European countries, and the head judge is usually from the USA), all commands are given to competitors by the head judge in English. The stage judge standing next to the competitors on stage translates all of the head judge’s commands into Polish on an ongoing basis to facilitate quick reaction to commands by Polish competitors. All information on the backstage of the competition is provided in English and Polish.
32. How, when, and from whom will I find out at what time I will go on stage and what exactly should I do there?
Every athlete should appear in the backstage of the competition hall at least 30 minutes before the start time of their division (physique category).
If an athlete is using spray tanning service in the backstage of the competition, the service is usually performed 1.5 to 2 hours before the start time of the division (physique category) in which the athlete is competing. The tanning service staff will determine the exact time of spray tanning service during the athletes check-in process on Friday, taking into account the competition schedule and the athlete’s expectations (such as the established time for makeup, hair styling, etc.).
The start times of individual divisions are listed on our website under the “Schedule and Venue” tab:
Athletes in the backstage area are informed several times about the actual and current time (depending on the course of the competition) remaining until the start of their division (physique category) and the start of their main category. About 15 minutes before the first appearance, all athletes in the same weight/height/age classes are called out (their name and athlete number are announced) and gathered in one group by the backstage judge. After all athletes in the division or in the main category have reported, they move in one group to the “athlete zone” located just behind the stage and wait there for their first appearance on stage. Athletes are allowed to bring towels, shoes or flip-flops, light clothing (for female athletes), and water to the “athlete zone”. There are also exercise bands and mirrors in the “athlete zone”. Oil is applied and tanning touch-ups are done for those interested by the tanning service crew in the small backstage.
Before the first appearance on stage and before each subsequent round, the stage judge informs each athlete about the course of the round and exactly what they should do on stage (where to go, where to stand, which poses to strike, how much time they have for the presentation, where to exit the stage after the round, etc.).
33. What is the course of the competition in the Men’s Bodybuilding division?
The course of the competition in the Men’s Bodybuilding division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons in the numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Round of Individual Routines (Free Posing Routines).
5. Award Ceremony of the top five in each weight class.
6. Overall Comparison Round.
7. Overall Awards Ceremony.
1. In this division, the competition begins with an individual presentation round, where each competitor presents themselves in order of competitors numbers. Each competitor goes to the center of the stage (standing in the “square” at the front of the stage) and performs 3 to 5 poses of their choice (mandatory poses are recommended, and optionally the “classic” pose or “mass-musculal” pose) at their own pace and to music provided by the organizer.
This individual presentation round usually lasts 30 seconds. The presentation should be ended in a pose facing the judges, and then the competitor should exit the stage.
2. After the individual presentation round, the group comparison round takes place with groups of 2 to 8 competitors, depending on the total number of competitors in each weight class. In the comparison round, the Head Judge issues commands regarding the poses that the competitors should perform. These are usually 4 quarter turns always performed to the right. In this round, the Head Judge may (but it’s not a rule) ask competitors to present themselves additionally in 2 mandatory poses: front and back. These are usually front double biceps and back double biceps. After performing all the poses, competitors from the first group go to the side of the stage (to the diagonal line) and wait for the call-out round.
After the first group, the second group goes to the center of the stage and perform the commands of the head judge as described above.
3. After the group comparisons of all athletes in a particular weight class are finished, the callouts round begins. In this round, the head judge reads out the competitors numbers of several athletes (previously selected by the judging panel for the top placings), whom he wants to see in the first comparison (first callout). Usually, this includes 5 to 8 athletes. The athletes are lined up in a random order by the stage judge at the front of the stage for comparisons. Then, the head judge reads out the competitors numbers of the athletes in this group who should switch places. The athletes placed in the “square” at the center of the stage or closer to this “square” than others are typically favored by the judging panel for higher placings. In this round, the head judge gives commands regarding the mandatory poses that the athletes should present. During this round, athletes may be asked to switch places multiple times and may take the same poses several times until the judging panel agrees on the order of the placings. After the comparisons, the athletes in the first group leave the stage or are directed to the side of the stage (the decision is made by the head judge or stage judge).
After the first callouts round, the head judge asks the athletes to participate in subsequent comparisons until the end of the comparisons in current weight class.
4. The next round is the posing routines, performed to music chosen by the athlete and provided on a Pendrive/USB. The routines are performed by the 3 or 5 best athletes in the weight class. The head judge decides on the number of athletes who perform the posing routines. The posing routine lasts a maximum of 60 seconds. In the case of a very large number of athletes, the posing routine may be shortened to 45 seconds (very rarely). The head judge may make such a decision. During 95% of our competitions, the top five athletes perform the posing routine, and it lasts the full 60 seconds.
The posing routines are not separately judged by the judges during the judging of the weight/age classes but may have a decisive impact on the selection of the best athlete in the Overall category (the absolute winner of all weight classes in a particular main category, e.g., True Novice Overall Winner, Novice Overall Winner, Open Overall Winner).
5. After the round of individual posing routines, the top five competitors are awarded medals (the final top five), a trophy for the winner, and prizes from the main sponsor of the event.
6. The winners of the weight classes in each of the main categories (True Novice, Novice, Open) compete in the Overall category, where the absolute winner of all weight classes in the main category is chosen (True Novice Overall Winner, Novice Overall Winner, Open Overall Winner). This round starts with four quarter turns, followed by the head judge switching the competitors and issuing commands for mandatory poses that the competitors must present. Typically, competitors placed closer to the center are favored for higher placements.
7. After this round, the competitors are lined up at the side of the stage (at the diagonal line). Only the winner of the Overall category is announced, who then steps to the center of the stage to receive a medal, trophy, and prize from the sponsor. The remaining competitors stand next to the winner and pose together for commemorative photos.
34. What is the course of the competition in the Men’s Classic Physique division?
The course of the competition in the Men’s Classic Physique division is identical to the Men’s Bodybuilding division. Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
The course of the competition is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons in the numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Round of Individual Routines (Free Posing Routines).
5. Award Ceremony of the top five in each height class.
6. Overall Comparison Round.
7. Overall Awards Ceremony.
35. What is the course of the competition in the Men’s Physique division?
The course of the competition in the Men’s Physique division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons Round in numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Award Ceremony of the top five in each height class.
5. Overall Comparison Round.
6. Overall Awards Ceremony.
36. What is the course of the competition in the Women’s Bikini division?
The course of the competition in the Women’s Bikini division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons Round in numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Award Ceremony of the top five in each height class.
5. Overall Comparison Round.
6. Overall Awards Ceremony.
37. What is the course of the competition in the Women’s Wellness division?
The course of the competition in the Women’s Wellness division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons Round in numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Award Ceremony of the top five in each height class.
5. Overall Comparison Round.
6. Overall Awards Ceremony.
38. What is the course of the competition in the Women’s Figure division?
The course of the competition in the Women’s Figure division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons Round in numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Award Ceremony of the top five in each height class.
5. Overall Comparison Round.
6. Overall Awards Ceremony.
39. What is the course of the competition in the Women’s Physique division?
The course of the competition in the Women’s Physique division is identical to the Men’s Bodybuilding division. Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
The course of the competition in this division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons Round in numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Round of Individual Routines (Free Posing Routines).
5. Award Ceremony of the top five in each height class.
6. Overall Comparison Round.
7. Overall Awards Ceremony.
40. What is the course of the competition in the Women’s Bodybuilding division?
The course of the competition in the Women’s Bodybuilding division is the same as in the Men’s Bodybuilding division. Please also read the answer to question No. 33.
The course of the competition in this division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Group Comparisons in the numerical order.
3. Call-Out Round.
4. Round of Individual Routines (Free Posing Routines).
5. Award Ceremony of the top five in each category (each open class).
41. What is the course of the competition in the Women’s Fitness division?
The course of the competition in the Women’s Fitness division is described on the website of the International Federation under the following link:
Order of rounds:
1. Individual Presentation Round.
2. Comparison Round in the numerical order.
3. 15-minute break for changing clothes.
4. Round of Individual Routines (Free Posing Routines; maximum 2 minutes).
5. Award Ceremony of the top five in each main category (each open class).
42. I would like my competition entry fee to be covered by my employer, the fitness club where I am permanently employed. Can I receive an invoice for the competition entry fee paid in order to get reimbursed by my employer?
Yes. To receive an invoice for the competition entry fee and any additional services that you will use during our competition, you need to send an email on the Wednesday following the competition to the competition office at [email protected]. In the email, you need to provide the necessary information for issuing an invoice, such as the name of the company or individual, the tax identification number, and attach a message confirming your online registration for the competition and proof of payment of the competition entry fee and other fees or information that the payment was made in cash on the day of athletes check-in on Friday.
43. I would like to apply for a scholarship awarded by my university where I study for sports achievements and a scholarship from the mayor of the city where I live. Can the federation or organizer of the NPC competition issue an official document (certificate) confirming my sports achievements that I have achieved by participating in the NPC competition in Poland?
Yes. To obtain an official certificate (in electronic form – pdf) from the organizer of NPC Worldwide federation competitions informing about the sports successes and achievements of the athlete, you should write a message to the email address of the competition office: [email protected] . In the message, you should provide your personal data, the names and dates of competitions that the certificate should refer to, and the competitions and categories in which you competed, as well as the places you took in the competitions.
44. What prizes do athletes participating in NPC competitions receive?
A detailed description of the prizes that athletes participating in NPC contests in Poland receive is available on our website under the “Awards for Competitors” tab.
Finalists (the top five) of all height/weight/age/open categories in our competitions (NPC Debuts, NPC Regional Qualifiers, and NPC Pro Qualifiers) receive medals. We usually have between 70 to 80 classes and 14 Overall categories each day of our competitions. The winners of all height/weight/age/open classes and the winners of Overall categories in our competitions receive trophies or cups and prizes from our sponsors.
The winners of the NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in 9 divisions in the Overall Open (Seniors) category receive prestigious IFBB PRO cards entitling them to participate in competitions for professionals in the IFBB Professional League.
45. Where can I buy photos and videos from my stage performance? Do I need to order them before the competition?
Individual photos and videos from the competition stage (from individual presentations, group comparisons, free posing routines, and award ceremonies) taken by our photographers in high-quality image and sound, can be reserved during the on-line registration for the competition. This way, you will have access to them first and as soon as possible. Videos from the stage will be available the day after the competition, and individual photos 2 to 4 days after the competition.
If you do not reserve them during the on-line registration, you can still order them during the athletes check-in on Friday or after the competition through the dedicated “Multimedia Package” tab on our website. However, this will be associated with a slightly longer waiting time for access to your stage photos and videos.
46. Is it possible for me to receive feedback or tips from the judges regarding my stage performance and physique assessment?
Yes. To receive feedback from judges evaluating athletes at our competitions, you should write them a private message on Instagram. You can find the judges’ names and their profile tags (the only direct contact) in dedicated posts on our official Instagram accounts: @npc_poland_ifbb_pro_league and @ifbbpropoland_official.
The message should be sent in English to 1 or 2 judges no later than 5 days after the competition. In the message, you should provide: (1) the name of the competition and your personal information, (2) your competitor number, (3) the division (physique category), main categories, and classes in which you competed, (4) your placings, and (5) individual high-quality stage photos in all mandatory poses.
The feedback you receive in response from the judge will focus on your stage appearance and what you need to improve in your physique to present yourself even better, as well as what else you need to work on to achieve better placings. The judge will not inform you of the reasons for your loss to other competitors in your category or class. You should draw your conclusions or work with your coach based on the feedback you received from the judge.
47. If I buy a membership license and compete in NPC Worldwide federation competitions, will I be able to compete in other federations’ competitions in the same year?
Yes. Having a membership license for a given year and competing in NPC Worldwide federation competitions does not exclude you from competing in other federations’ competitions in Poland and abroad. You can compete in multiple federations simultaneously without any consequences or exclusions.
48. What should I do if, due to unforeseen circumstances or work obligations, I cannot come for check-in the day before the competition? Will I be allowed to compete in such a situation?
If you are unable to attend the athletes check-in the day before the competition due to reasons beyond your control (delayed flight, transportation problems) or due to family or work obligations, you should inform the competition office as soon as possible. You should immediately send an email to [email protected] and a text message on WhatsApp/Phone: +48 602 650 291. You will receive information about the way and time in which you will be able to undergo mandatory athletes check-in before the competition starts.
49. Where can I buy posing trunks for Men’s Physique, Classic Physique and Bodybuilding division accepted at NPC federation competitions?
Posing trunks for these three divisions accepted at NPC competitions can be purchased from our regular partner, Sklep Zawodnika. Orders can be placed online through the website www.sklepzawodnika.pl or tried on and purchased at the stationary store (address: Ząbki near Warsaw, ul. Szwoleżerów 128, Fitness Club, WhatsApp/phone: +48 604 414 123). This on-line shop sends parcels all over Europe.
50. Where can I buy tanning products allowed at NPC competitions to get the best color on stage?
At our competitions, we require athletes to use so-called “non-staining tans”, which are products from Pro Tan or Jan Tana brands. You can also use the spray tanning service, which is available at the backstage of the competition. Each athlete can reserve and pick up the recommended Pro Tan self-tanning products during the check-in on Friday. You can also purchase the recommended tans from the official representative of Pro Tan and Jan Tana in Poland – Sklep Zawodnika – through their website: www.sklepzawodnika.pl or at their store (address: Ząbki near Warsaw, str. Szwoleżerów 128, Fitness Club, WhatsApp/phone: +48 604 414 123).
51. Can I sign up for spray tanning service if I didn’t choose this service during online registration?
Yes. If you didn’t sign up for spray tanning service during online registration (you chose/bought self-tanning products), but would still like to use this service, you can reserve spray tanning service on the check-in day on Friday at the competition office. During the check-in, you will arrange the time for the service with the tanning service company’s employee, which will be adjusted to the competition schedule, and you will pay in cash. The service price is given in the registration form for the competition. Spray tanning service takes place at the backstage of the competition from morning until the end of the competition in specially designated cabins. Final touch-ups, oil application performed during the competition are included in the service price.
52. Where and when will the competition results be available?
The competition results will be available on our website in the “Competition Results” tab the day after the competition. https://ifbbpro.com.pl/en/competition-results/
53. I am not sure which division (physique category) I will finally participate in. I plan to compete in either Men’s Classic Physique or Men’s Bodybuilding division. I am also unsure which main categories I will ultimately choose. However, I want to register now because there are only 4 days left until the competition. Will I be able to change my division and choose different main categories during athletes check-in?
Yes. The most important thing is for you to register on our website by Wednesday at 6:00 PM and choose the most likely division (physique category) and main categories in which you plan to participate. If you change your mind and choose a different division or want to change or add more main categories, you will be able to do so during athletes check-in on Friday at the competition office. This is not a problem for us.
54. I am a Pole living permanently in the Netherlands. Can I participate in NPC Regional Qualifier and NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland?
You can compete in NPC Regional Qualifier competitions in Poland without meeting any special requirements. Just register on our website for these competitions up to 3 days before their date (by Wednesday at 6:00 PM). The country you represent (the country listed on your NPC Worldwide Membership License) does not limit you from competing in these competitions (Open/International NPC Regional Qualifier).
You can compete in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland, but you must meet the regional qualification requirement in Poland (if you will to make and obtain an NPC Worldwide Membership License for Poland for 2023) or you can also meet the regional qualification requirement in the Netherlands (if you will to make and obtain an NPC Worldwide Membership License for the current year for the Netherlands).
To compete in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland, you must first compete in NPC Regional Qualifier competitions in Poland, which take place the day before the Pro Qualifier competitions in the Open main category. However, you must to make and obtain an NPC Worldwide Membership License for Poland (you will represent Poland). At athletes check-in, you must show a Polish ID card or passport to the office staff.
If you obtain an NPC Worldwide Membership License for the Netherlands (you have the right to do so because you live there permanently), before competing in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland, you will have to compete in NPC Regional Qualifier competitions in the Netherlands (you must have a certificate of regional qualification of the country you represent). Only after competing in competitions in the Netherlands will you have the right to compete in NPC Pro Qualifier competitions in Poland or anywhere else in the world.
55. Can I to make, obtain and pay for the NPC Worldwide Membership License on the day of athletes check-in?
There are two ways to make, obtain and pay a NPC Worldwide Membership License. The first way is to make and obtain it independently directly through the NPC Worldwide federation’s website. You can find information on this on our website under the “NPC Worldwide License” tab.
If you cannot or do not want to make, obtain and pay for the license independently on the NPC Worldwide federation’s website (regardless of the reason), you can commission the competition office to make, obtain and pay it for you. To do this, you should select this option in the registration form for the competition, on the NPC Worldwide Membership License subpage. You will then receive your license at the athletes check-in.
56. I am having a technical problem with makeing, obtaining and paying for the NPC Worldwide Membership License for this year on the NPC Worldwide federation’s website. I heard that I will not be allowed to compete without a current license. What can I do about this?
If you cannot to make, obtain and pay for the NPC Worldwide membership license independently on the NPC Worldwide federation’s website (regardless of the reason), you can commission the competition office to make, obtain and pay it for you. To do this, you should select this option in the registration form for the competition, on the NPC Worldwide Membership License subpage. You will then receive your license at the athletes check-in. This way solves your problem.
57. Where will be held the next NPC contest in Poland? What is the competition schedule? When and where is the check-in of competitors for this competition?
The venue (the location) and the exact competition schedule and athletes check-in are available on our website in the “Schedule and Venue” tab: https://ifbbpro.com.pl/schedule
If you have any additional questions, please contact us.
Competition Office Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp/Phone: +48 602 650 291